Yard Sale Silver

 On my rather jarring first day back to Reality after our 56 Hour Getaway -
{the same day somebody had already pooped in the tub and another somebody had a complete meltdown over bubbles}

- I loaded all my kiddos in the car for a therapeutic drive around the neighborhood...and stumbled upon a garage sale.  No one was there, so I pulled right up to the front, left the air-conditioning and music on and stepped about seven feet from the car {stressing that I did not abandon my children} where I found a bag of this.

 Almost eight complete settings of silver.

Including eight soup spoons - my very favorite article of silverware.

All for $9.

Suddenly Reality was really quite lovely after all. ;)

See Today's Post {HERE}

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Yard Sale Silver
Yard Sale Silver
Reviewed by jembe
Published :
Rating : 4.5