Birthdays, Birds, and Budding Habits

Mondays often seem to take me by surprise, this Monday especially so.  My first born little baby turned five.

Absolutely amazing.

Spent the day together doing simple, happy things.   Couple presents in the morning, looking at old baby pictures, play at the park and stop at the Donut Shoppe.

I also did streamers and balloons from his bedroom doorway and filled the hallway with balloons.  It made for a very happy start to the day, but I didn't get a much lately I'm torn between picture and video-taking.  I love to capture their voices on I video taped the whole thing.

I still have a little party to throw once his cousins get over some sickness.  Trying to gear myself up for a certain kind of BIRD party theme that might also (very unfortunately) include the word "Angry."  I don't know how these birds got into our home, but somehow they have completely infiltrated.  What can't they be "happy birds" or even "silly birds" or "ridiculous birds" - why angry?  Anyway though he hasn't insisted upon it, I know that nothing will give this little 5-year-old more joy than an Angry Bird party.... So I'm trying to get motivated to make these. ha.

In other news, we're about the sign a contract on this Iowan home!  However, the contract is contingent on the sale of our home. I know this is a fairly normal arrangement, but yikes, feeling just a little pressure to get ours sold quick-quick.

Soooo, I've been trying to clean, and clean, and clean, and seriously it has been freakishly alarming at how much there is be cleaned. When you know that potential buyers are going to be looking at and inspecting every inch of your home, it's as though the dirt blinders come off and suddenly you see crud everywhere (if you're me that is).   So I realized I've been a pretty sad deep cleaner over the past couple years.  I feel like if the dishes are done and the toys picked up, I'm good - never mind the cobwebs or the grease grime. yuck.  So like I said, it's been a very alarming, eye-opening couple days.

I'm hoping to change my cleaning habits a bit - or more accurately start some cleaning habits. Happened upon this comprehensive cleaning schedule from Little Green Notebook

I have to admit being this motivated and this intentional about house-cleaning is pretty mystifying to me.  The night schedule is daunting - esp. when I usually just want some couchtime ; )  But I know that night is prime time to do a little cleaning and if I stayed on top if it it wouldn't take long, and it would feel so good (and make the husband happy) to have a better maintained, tidy home.  So, I'm determined to be inspired and overcome what I'm sure is nothing other than laziness.  yuck.  Anyway, I'll let you know how it works out ; )  Happy Tuesday!

love, cailan

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Birthdays, Birds, and Budding Habits
Birthdays, Birds, and Budding Habits
Reviewed by jembe
Published :
Rating : 4.5