Harried Fun

 The Baby Shower came and went last Saturday.  I had a lot of fun, preparing for and enjoying it, though I was a bit more harried than usual.  My husband worked in the morning so I got my shower just an hour before the shower was set to commence.  I got dressed just in time to open the door for sweet ladies who came early to help me.  They got to see me in curlers.  :)  They also got to see me crazy and with a very un-swept kitchen floor.

{Party favors/Party Decorations}

And everybody got to see classy things like this price tag still on the plant I potted late the night before.  
Yeah, I noticed it after the party was way over.

But it was all good and real and sweet.  

P.S. Said harriedness resulted in few pictures of the actual event but I'll share "left-over" pics tomorrow.

P.S.S Go HERE for a wonderful Monday morning listen.  Esp. "Simple Song".  
Just delightful.

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Harried Fun
Harried Fun
Reviewed by jembe
Published :
Rating : 4.5