Sister's Dolly Shop

My Sister is a lady of many lovely ways and talents, but when she started making these little dollies, she had me in a complete state of awe - "Seriously, you made this?!"   I can't even comprehend it.

I love the delightful personality and uniqueness of each little dolly. 

 Their long limbs are perfect for little hands to hold onto. 

Every time I hear she's made a new one, I'm off around the corner to her house to ooh and aww - so fun.

 I'm especially partial to these green-haired sisters.  Their outfits and personalities are perfection.

You can find Sister's blog and Dollie Shop {HERE}.  I'm thinking she could still get one to you in time for Christmas.  ; )

It's been quite the December for our little family.   I'll try to update you all soon.  Until then, thank you very much for your patience with the scanty posting.

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Sister's Dolly Shop
Sister's Dolly Shop
Reviewed by jembe
Published :
Rating : 4.5