We Are Going Places

So we took our very first family road trip.  We were three years overdue for a trip to Indiana to see my husband's family, but finally gathered up our utmost courage and did it.

Introducing my traveling companions:
{These first pictures were taken on my iphone last Sunday when we were neat and tidy.}

Here we are on the actual trip, crumbled and fuzzy. 

But surprisingly happy

We had a good bit of apprehension about this 18-hour trip - would our children fall apart? would they cry and fuss the whole way?  Our precious children are not the most easy-going bunch, so these were very reasonable concerns.  And though we invested in a DVD player, I dreaded having to use it much.  I wanted my kiddos to look out the windows, to talk, sing, and laugh, to enjoy the journey. 
Yes, I'm a bit of an idealist.

However, the kiddos completely floored us with cheerful, happy-camper little attitudes (almost) entire way.  
Floored, I tell you.

The first hour of the trip was my favorite.  The novelty of the experience was carrying us at an all-time high, and there was no noise in the car except the children's happy chatter and singing. 
We looked at cows and clouds. 

Then we turned on some of our favorite cowboy music, Riders in the Sky.  This is the same group that recorded "Woody's Round-up" from Toy Story 2.  It is happy music, and we love it. : )

We also took the audio cds that were included with our Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm.  We've been enjoying this bible for the last few months.  It's pretty simplistic, esp. for my five-year-old, but provides a nice overview.  We'd never tried the cds and I thought my kiddos might be bored with them - but the cd is well done, and they really enjoyed them for about a half hour each day and even protested when I turned it off.  Wonders, I tell you.

I tried to start reading this, and did thoroughly enjoy the first chapter (gives me such vision and hope for the whole homeschooling venture) ....unfortunately, I'm a complete wimp when it comes to car sickness, so that's as far as I got.

Fortunately, the Iowan scenery was pleasant, and yes, it about drove me nuts to be in Iowa but not go see my Iowa house.  So close and yet so far away - about a ten hour round trip detour :(

We stopped halfway and stayed at a hotel - another first, which added considerable to the "adventure" experience the kiddos were eating up. 

And we went swimming.  And I confess this was another first - swimming as a family.  I know, I know!  I am ashamed to admit it, but my sweetheart is not much of a water-guy and I have been content with our backyard wading pool.  So driving all day, staying at hotel, and going swimming - for us, it felt like we were being the Ultimate fun family.

Then we lined our kids up sideways on the queen bed.  They loved it, and excepting one mid-night panic, they did really well with the arrangement.

And today we made it the rest of the way with some additional fussing but really nary a hitch.  We listened to music and audio books, colored and had some snacks, talked and looked out the window, and watched one Blue's Clues.  We enjoyed the journey.

And now, while I'm not so naive as to expect this happy experience will be our "norm" for family travel, I do feel awfully encouraged knowing that We CAN travel.  Road trips are possible for our little family, and it's even possible that we can have happy travels.   This is pretty empowering knowledge, and my brain wheels are turning about all the opportunities and doors this opens for us....let's drive to the beach! to Chicago! to Canada! ... Paris. ; )

Anyway, it's certainly a significant milestone for our stay-at-home, we-have-little-kids-so-we-can't-family.

We are going places.

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We Are Going Places
We Are Going Places
Reviewed by jembe
Published :
Rating : 4.5