My Favorite Christmas Decor Yet

Truth be told, I'm not a natural "crafter".  As I mentioned on Monday, my sister just gave me my first officialish craft supplies last year.  I'm finding that I love it, but it's all pretty new.  And when it comes to crafting with my kiddos, I just don't naturally think to do it.   And when I do think about it, I feel like I never have a good idea or the right supplies. 

All that to say that when "Make a Christmas Craft" came up for our Advent Calendar activity I could have easily made it a big deal. But I didn't! When I was at the grocery store I picked up a bag of cotton balls - they were probably more expensive than getting them at Wal-mart, but I was all about making this happen as simply as possible.

I already had glue at home.

And construction paper.

 And three reasonably willing children. 

Cotton balls + construction paper + glue + 3 kiddos =  3 Merry Cotton Ball Snowmen

 And we hung them on the side of the refrigerator. And I love them.

Our frig is in the very center of our home so I see them from my desk, when I come down the stairs, walk in the kitchen or sit on the couch.  I had just cut out eyes and noses for them, but my kiddos insisted on adding a smile - so glad they did. These merry snowmen always cheer me up.   I know it's silly and even a rather sad, but these snowmen represent a triumph for me -  I crafted with my children.  I kept it simple.  I made it happen.  And though it wasn't perfect, it was good and little fun, and I could do it again.  

  This is seriously my favorite bit of Christmas decorating we've done yet. 

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My Favorite Christmas Decor Yet
My Favorite Christmas Decor Yet
Reviewed by jembe
Published :
Rating : 4.5