This is what I'm using for our Advent Calendar this year. I wish I could say I made it - you certainly could with a little bit of effort - but no, I go this one on clearance for 90% off last year at Garnet Hill. The plan is to fill each pail with a package of three peanut M&Ms or Hershey Kisses - one M&M or Kiss for each child each day. Then have a little slip of paper with an Christmas activity for the day.
I'd love to incorporate the sure-to-be-wonderful Advent reading Betsy and her husband are coming up with...but this is our first year {I know, so sad} to do any kind of Advent calendar so we'll see what we can happily manage. I'm excited to be doing something.
So far I just have the pails hung up. :) So you can picture me today going to Target for candy, wrapping it up in tissue paper and brainstorming simple, but hopefully fun, ideas for the kiddos and our whole family to do together. Sister helpfully reminds me that I don't technically have to come up with 25 ideas all today. I could always slip a few ideas into the pails later on.
Here's what I have so far:
1. Go to library and check out Christmas books {that I already placed on hold}
Come home and read them all. {Julia compiled a great list here}
2. Make muffins and take them to a neighbor.
3. Family Christmas Movie & Popcorn together with Popcorn {maybe Veggie Tale's Christmas?}
4. Drive around and look at Christmas lights
5. Go get the final member of our Hallmark Peanut's Band {Snoopy}
6. Go shopping at Target for $1 gifts to give Daddy and our cousins
7. Wrap our Christmas presents for cousins
8. Make and Decorate Christmas Cookies {take some to a different neighbor}
9. String Popcorn Garland for Tree
10. Make a Christmas Craft
11. Family Game Night
12. Make Christmas Cards for Grandparents
13. Have Aunt, Uncle and Cousins over for a little Christmas Party Dinner
14. Make Easy Gingerbread Houses
15. Go over the river and through the woods for a day with Nana
16. Make hot cocoa with marshmallows
17. Picnic Dinner in the Living Room
17. Picnic Dinner in the Living Room
Whew! Still eight more to go.
Praying for inspiration and a memorable Christmas season for our family and yours too!
Our Advent Calendar

Reviewed by jembe
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Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5